Saturday, June 9, 2012

"Over the edge" or "going 'round the bend?"

Over the Edge ... 
How appropriate for describing my approach to design and sewing, as well as my frame of mind after the pace of the last few years as a designer and a high school design and art teacher.  

When I entered the world of public education 8 years ago, I had been teaching adults and college design students for many years. I knew the pace and expectations would be much different in public education but did not expect the extreme changes that have taken place over the last three years. However, my passion and belief in supporting younger students in the creative process has continued to sustain me in spite of program and budget cuts, over 210 students per semester, and a strained traveling schedule (to 3 schools). 

As I get spread thin with so many obligations separate from my creative strengths, my purpose for this blog is to stay connected to my core values and share projects and techniques from my past in design and sewing, ideas and products that are worth your time and money, as well as exploring "where no man [or woman] has gone before" ; >

I hope to share a range of ideas from basic to advanced in the postings to come. Here are a few of the areas in which I have some expertise: fleece and outerwear design and development, wearable and textile art, reversible design and development, draping and flat pattern design (just for a start). So leave feedback on your interests or questions!

Go to my current website to get some tips on seam sealing waterproof/breathable fabrics with seam sealing tape, making fleece cording as trim, cutting synthetic fabrics with a hot tool and free motion stitching. Keep in mind that I will be either revising it this summer or trying a completely different approach that will be centered around this blog.  Let me know what you think will make this more interesting and helpful for you!

Links to a few of my videos of these techniques at THREADS magazine site:

Using fleece cord for design details
Using hot tool to cut synthetics

A few examples of my work:

My daughters, Karina and Maddie in Paris.  Maddie, on the right, is wearing a light weight microfiber shell I made for her.

"Kissing Klimt" is one of my ensembles for the Bernina Fashion Show. The left photo is after showing it in the Raising Hope fashion show in Portland the September 2011. This is me with my model Alexis Millet. The right is some detail of the front. And, Yes, I applied the surface design to the silk velvet. I digitized the design on Artista software and then stitched it out on a Bernina 730. I have had some people think I purchased the fabric this way! 
The straps are hand beaded with a variety of sizes and shapes of beads and sequins.

Though both are out of print, I am working at updating and digitizing my two books.  You can find them both on Amazon: Sewing Outdoor Gear  and Sew the New Fleece.

And so the adventure begins with Over the Edge Sewing ...